24 hours, 2-3 buiness days, 3-4 business days, 5-6 business days and 7-9 business days Passport Service

You can apply if:

  • You are applying for your first U.S. passport; or
  • Your previous U.S. passport was issued when you were under age 16; or
  • Your previous U.S. passport was lost, stolen, or damaged; or
  • Your previous U.S. passport was issued more than 15 years ago; or
  • Your name has changed since your U.S. passport was issued and you are unable to legally document your name change.

    1. Complete DS-11 Application Form.  Passport office only accepts DS-11 forms completed online. Make sure to fully complete the online form including your travel details and emergency contact information. Review your form before printing to make the necessary corrections. Print 2 copies of your DS-11 form.  Do Not sign this form until you are in the presence of an “Application Acceptance Agent” or County court Clerk, and instructed to sign.
    2. Authorization Letters – Complete two Authorization letters, check the 2 of the option boxes you prefer, the applicant must sign and date both copies. The courier company’s name “Global VIP Services“, at the bottom of the form, must be handwritten. Hand one Authorization Letter to the post office and the 2nd Authorization Letter to us.
    3. Proof of U.S. Citizenship – You may prove U.S. Citizenship with any one of the following:
      • Certified US Birth certificate issued by the city, county or state – giving details of the applicant and parents- original
      • Previous expiring/expired U.S. Passport, undamaged or unaltered (issued less than 15 years ago) – original
      • Certificate of Citizenship or Naturalization – original
      • Consular Report of Birth Abroad or Certification of Birth – original
    4. Proof of Identity – A clear copy (front and back) of your valid driver’s license or state issued ID.  You may also prove your identity with any one of the following, if you are recognizable:
      • Current Government ID (city, state or federal)
      • Current Military ID (military and dependents)
    5. Proof of Departure – A copy of your round trip ticket (e-ticket) issued by the travel agency or the airline. To expedite your passport application, your travel date must be within 2 weeks from the date of application.
    6. Photographs – 2 color passport style photographs, 2″x 2″, on a white background, full face, fully developed, no glasses, not smiling and no shadows, both eyes open, measurement from the the bottom of the chin to the top of your forehead must be between 1 -1 1/4 inches. See Photo specification.
    7. Government Fee $170.00 – Pay by a check or money order – payable to U.S. Department of State
    8. Application Acceptance Facility – Present the above items to the authorized agent at a Post Office near you for approval and let the agent know that you are using an expediting service to “hand carry” your application. You must pay $35.00 application execution fee to the Agent.
      • Once the process is completed, the agent will place the above items in an envelope and seal the envelope.  The sealed envelope will be marked “To Be Opened by U.S. Passport Office Only”. The agent must return the sealed envelope to you. Do not open this sealed envelope or your application will become invalid.

NOTE: This sealed envelope is time sensitive and must be presented to the Passport Office within 5 days

Send the following items to us via FedEx:

      • Sealed Envelope – The Government sealed envelope (with the applicant’s name, Date of Birth written on the envelope). This sealed envelope must be submitted to the passport office within 5 days of execution.
      • DS-11 Completed Application form – copy
      • Clear copies of your valid driver license – front and back – copy
      • Letter of Authorization (completed with original signature) – Original
      • Payment   FEES for the relevant processing speed. The service fee should be paid by Money Order or cashier’s,  payable to Global VIP Services. Add return shipping fee to this payment, unless you include a prepaid return FedEx air-bill with your name and address as the shipper and sender, or will pick up in person.
      • Order Form Completed and signed Global VIP Services Order Form – original. Our FedEx shipping address is provided on our Order Form.
Global VIP Services