Apply for an Indian OCI visa with ease. Understand the Indian OCI application process, requirements, and guidelines to secure your OCI card. Get step-by-step instructions for a smooth application experience.

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apply Indian oci


  1. US Passport – Your current signed Passport with a minimum of 6 months validity beyond your intended stay and at least two blank visa pages.
  2. Original Indian Passport You must provide your actual Current or Expired Indian passport, including one copy of the personal information page of your passport.
  3. India OCI Application Form – Submit online visa application form plus one copy Complete the online application accurately, answering all questions carefully.  Improperly completed India visa application forms will be rejected by the Indian Consulate. No manual change is allowed once the application is printed. Make a photocopy of the signed application. We Provide our customers complete assistance with your online application, uploading your documents and Photo Service in our office.
  4. Minors Under 18: Complete the Parental Consent Form
    • Copy of the birth certificate is required.
    • Copy of each parent’s passport information page or copy of drivers licenses.
    • Minors not traveling with both parents/guardians must provide a notarized of consulate signed by the non accompanying parent(s)/guardian(s) authorizing the consulate to issue a visa.
    • The application must be notarized. 
  5. Photographs – Two identical color passport size photographs 2”x 2” on a white background, full face, no shadows, fully developed and no glasses.
  6. Proof of Residence  a clear photocopy of your driver’s license or a recent utility bill (gas, electricity and water) – the address on this document must match your address on the application form. For minors a parent/guardian’s proof of residence may be submitted.
  7. Residency Status – You must provide proof of your current U.S. Immigration status. You must provide a copy of your U.S. Immigration paperwork (Status of H1-B, H-4, L1, L2 , EAD, I-120 copies) or a copy of your Green Card Front/Back.
  8. Child OCI
    • You Must Provide Both Parents Indian passport copies
    • You must provide a copy of your U.S. Immigration paperwork (Status of H1-B,H- 4,L1, L2 or I-120) or a copy of your Green Card Front/Back.
    • Two Original Parental Consent Letter (Signed and Notarized)
    • Child Signature or Thumb Print on Application
    • If Applicant ever held Indian Passport, you must apply for Renunciation certificate for cancellation of Indian Passport. or submit a proof of renunciation certificate or copies of Indian Passport with cancelled stamp “Passport cancelled as Holder requires US Citizenship” or Call our Office at: (310) 402 1619 and talk to our expert team.
    • Child Birth Certificate copy
    • Parents’ Marriage Certificate Copy
  9. Renunciation Proof: If Applicant ever held Indian Passport, you must apply for Renunciation certificate for cancellation of Indian Passport. or submit a proof of renunciation certificate or copies of Indian Passport with cancelled stamp “Passport cancelled as Holder requires US Citizenship” or Call our Office at : (310) 402 1619 and talk to our expert team.
    • Note If you have Lost your Current Indian Passport, Please submit at least four additional documents for deemed renunciation certificate, such as your Indian Passport copies, your Indian Birth Certificate, School Leaving Certificate, High School Diploma issued by Indian Government, Parents Indian Passport copies, Parents Marriage Certificate copy, parents Birth Certificates or death certificates copies issued by Indian Government.
  10. Female Applicant RequirementFemale Applicants must submit a copy of their Marriage certificate or divorce decree.
  11. Dual Citizenship : Applicants who have dual citizenship with the US and another country must apply on their US passport, if living in the US except for applicants who hold dual citizenship with Pakistan. Pakistani citizens who have also acquired US citizenship must apply for a visa on their Pakistani passport only.
  12. Processing Time: 
    • The average OCI processing time is 45-60 days.
    • Please call Us at: (310) 402-1619 for more information about the processing time.
  13. Renunciation of Indian Citizenship or Surrender of Indian Passport: Documents Required 
    MANDATORY Document Checklist – Naturalized on or after 1st june 2010 – With Passport Document Checklist – Naturalized on or after 1st june 2010 – Without Passport
    MANDATORY Document Checklist – Naturalized before 1st june 2010 – With Passport Document Checklist – Naturalized before 1st june 2010 – Without Passport
    MANDATORY 02 Original Renunciation Certificate – To be filled by Customer who are in possession of Indian passport Declaration of Renunciation – To be filled by applicant who are not in possession of Indian passport
    MANDATORY FOR MINORS Parental authorization form for minor Parental authorization form for minor
    MANDATORY FOR MINORS Sworn Affidavit by Parents (for Minor) Sworn Affidavit by Parents (for Minor)
    Affidavit of Loss of Passport
    Sworn Affidavit for Loss of Passport
  14. Relevant Forms
    New OCI Registration Icon PDF  Sample Form
    Document Checklist (ADULT) Icon PDF  Download
    Document Checklist (MINOR) Icon PDF  Download
    Parental Authorization (MINOR) Icon PDF  Download
    Document Checklist (FOREIGN SPOUSE) Icon PDF  Download
    Sworn Affidavit (FOREIGN SPOUSE) Icon PDF  Download
    OCI Registration (In Lieu of Valid PIO card) Icon PDF  Sample Form
    Document Checklist (ADULT) Icon PDF  Download
    Affidavit in lieu of Originals (ADULT) Icon PDF  Download
    Document Checklist (MINOR) Icon PDF  Download
    Affidavit in lieu of Originals (MINOR) Icon PDF  Download
    Parental Authorization (MINOR) Icon PDF  Download
    OCI Registration (In lieu of LOST PIO card) Icon PDF  Sample Form
    Document Checklist (ADULT) Icon PDF  Download
    Affidavit in lieu of Originals (ADULT) Icon PDF  Download
    Document Checklist (MINOR) Icon PDF  Download
    Affidavit in lieu of Originals (MINOR) Icon PDF  Download
    Parental Authorization (MINOR) Icon PDF  Download
    OCI Miscellaneous services Icon PDF  Sample Form
    Document Checklist (ADULT) Icon PDF  Download
    Affidavit in lieu of Originals (ADULT) Icon PDF  Download
    Document Checklist (MINOR) Icon PDF  Download
    Affidavit in lieu of Originals (MINOR) Icon PDF  Download
    Parental Authorization (MINOR) Icon PDF  Download
    OCI in lieu of Damaged/Lost OCI Card Icon PDF  Sample Form
    Document Checklist (ADULT) Icon PDF  Download
    Affidavit in lieu of Originals (ADULT) Icon PDF  Download
    Document Checklist (MINOR) Icon PDF  Download
    Affidavit in lieu of Originals (MINOR) Icon PDF  Download
    Parental Authorization (MINOR) Icon PDF  Download
    Cancel OCI Card
    Document Checklist (ADULT) Icon PDF  Download
    FORM-XXII-Recent (ADULT) Icon PDF  Download
    FORM-XXIIA (ADULT) Icon PDF  Download
    Document Checklist (MINOR) Icon PDF  Download
    FORM-XXII-Recent (MINOR) Icon PDF  Download
    FORM-XXIIA (MINOR) Icon PDF  Download
    Parental Authorization (MINOR) Icon PDF  Download
  15. Payment: Contact us at (310) 402-1619 before starting an OCI application.  This is a long process and must be done correctly. We will go over your application requirements and Consular fee(s) ($295), Service fee (Regular or Rush) and Return shipping fee.
  16. Order Form – Complete and sign Global VIP Services Order Form and send it to us via overnight FedEx to our FedEx address given on the Order From


Global VIP Services